The UK has some fantastic wildlife parks where you can see gorillas interacting within their family groups. Here are five of the best to get you started. Bristol Zoo Bristol Zoo is home to eight western lowland gorillas, with the most recent arrival born just 3 months ago
Yesterday came the sad news that the second baby twin gorillas has died at Durrell Wildlife Park in Jersey. The twin’s mother, Kahili, gave birth prematurely to the twins last Tuesday (26th April). Unfortunately one of the twins died shortly after, and the second on Saturday night.
A baby western lowland gorilla made her first outside appearance on the island enclosure at Bristol Zoo on Thursday 31st March. Born on the 12th February via a rare caesarean delivery because Kera, her mother, showed symptoms of a life threating condition called pre-eclampsia. This condition is also
It was previously widely thought that the closest primate to man was the chimpanzee. This has been turned on its head, after new research by scientists in the United States found that the male-specific Y chromosome in human males actually has more in common with the Y chromosome in
Louisville Zoo has announced one of its Western lowland gorillas, Mia Moja, is expecting her second baby in May. 27 year-old Mia Moja arrived at Louisville from Zoo Atlanta. She met silverback male Mshindi and after falling pregnant, gave birth in 2010 to a female gorilla called Misha. The pair
For the first time ever, young gorillas have been witnessed dismantling traps set by poachers. Reported first by National Geographic, the incident happened just days after two gorillas had tragically been snared by a poacher. Unfortunately snares are a common sight in the Volcanoes National Park (Rwanda) where the
Some of the last remaining mountain gorillas living in the wild in Virunga are facing a new threat this year due to oil exploration plans by the Ugandan government. In total over 60 leading environment groups including Greenpeace, WWF and ZSL London Zoo are calling on the government in
Last Monday saw an announcement from Calgary Zoo that 14 year-old gorilla, Kioja, is expecting her first baby in March 2016. As it’s her first, the gorilla team at the zoo have been helping to prepare her for the birth. It may be a first for mum but 37 year-old
30th May 2016
5 of the Best Places to See Gorillas in the UK
15th December 2015
Meet the newest addition at ZSL London Zoo
24th February 2015
The scale of the threat of Ebola to Gorillas
22nd February 2015
Oscar Nominated Virunga Shines Light on Plight of Mountain Gorillas
20th October 2015
New Gorilla Arrives at Bristol Zoo
30th May 2016
5 of the Best Places to See Gorillas in the UK
3rd May 2016
Twin Baby Gorillas Die Just Days Apart
5th April 2016
Baby Gorilla Makes Her Debut at Bristol Zoo Gardens
8th March 2016
New Research Finds Genetic Link Between Men & Gorillas
23rd February 2016
Louisville Zoo Announces Gorilla Pregnancy
12th January 2016
Gorilla Pregnant at Calgary Zoo
22nd September 2015
Gorilla Enclosure Set for Extreme Makeover
6th October 2015
Western Lowland Gorilla Born at Brookfield Zoo
20th October 2015
New Gorilla Arrives at Bristol Zoo
3rd November 2015
New Gorilla Census Project Starts in the Virunga Massif